Sunday, June 17, 2012

charity:water - Daisy's Dollar for Water

On the very tail end of Father's Day (hope you and all your fathers had a brilliant day!), I wanted to post this message. It's not dance related, but it's human related, and that's something we all understand.

This year for my birthday I wanted something different. I wanted some way for one year of my life to make a difference. charity:water is helping me do just that.

charity:water is an organization that strives to bring clean drinking water to third world countries in an effort to relieve issues such as health, poverty, education, women's empowerment, and many more. I know, you're wondering how water can provide education. The way charity:water describes it, 1 in 6-7 people in this world (roughly 1 billion) do not have clean drinking water. Women and girls are forced to carry bright yellow jerry cans on average for three hours daily in order to bring water back for their families. After all, water is life, the most basic need of every human life. If you can save those women and girls three hours every day,
  1. the girls can attend school
  2. women can spend more time working or taking care of children
  3. life expectancy shoots up
  4. less money is spent on medicine
  5. survival is that much easier and more pleasant.
I gave my birthday to charity:water - this year, instead of presents or material goods, I want to give 25 or more people clean water. It takes about $20 to give one person clean drinking water in a village. I've got about 4 months to my birthday - will you help me make a difference?

Please join me at my birthday project - Daisy's Dollar for Water - and donate enough for one person (and my age in years), $19, or whatever you can. Even a dollar can help.

Water changes everything.

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